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Aircraft Maintenance

Hayes Aviation is proud to say it has an excellent history of providing oustanding maintenance services to a wide variety of aircraft.

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Hayes Aviation has done literally thousands of routine inspections.

We do 100hr/annuals, periodics on programmed mx, conformity and pre-purchase.  Experience counts.  We apply what we've learned from previous events to the current inspection on the floor.  While we don't compromise on airworthiness we strive to be fair in our pricing.  We have experienced many owners who are frustrated by the countless entries on invoices that should be part of an fixed price inspection.  We sympathize.  At the same time, an inspection is pointless if we don't seek to find the aircraft's true condition.  With the volume of inspections we have done, we occasionally find problems of consequence that require strictly prescribed repairs and innovative solutions alike.  Whether it requires an obvious replacement part, approved repair as called out in AC 43.13 or manufacturers approved data, or an outside specialized vendor,  we will utilize the best solution available to us.  We have formed relationships with dozens of vendors that afford us very competetive pricing.  And, in that rare occurance where engineering is required, we maintain relationships with specialty shops, DERs and DARs that will streamline such repairs as much as possible.  Further, as a result of our custom services we have more experience with corrosion and engine support than many other shops.  We can fix what we find.



Major repairs and projects

Starting with ag planes that needed major repairs in conjuction with our ag aircraft engine program in the late 1970s we applied out expertise to major maintenance .  These initial projects were tube and fabric affairs that evolved into all metal aircraft and eventually to composite structures.  Rare is a project of this scope that it didn't include a major alteration or repair of some type.  With these multi-faceted projects we enjoyed several magazine covers and major awards that only performance will win.  Whether considering the restoration of a valued antique, refurbishment of a modern day speedster or refinishing an otherwise good aircraft call on Hayes Aviation to work your project at the level you need.



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Spar Cap Replacement


We can replace spar caps with lifetime parts to comply with A.D. 2009-26-11.  While the aircraft is down for this repair, we are offering to also replace leading edges, overhaul the hopper and paint the complete aircraft for a firm fixed price.

Morane Saulnier BB

One of the projects we completed was a replica of a WWI Morane Saulnier Type BB.  We accepted the commission knowing there were no known remaining aircraft, and no drawings.  Through reserach at the Musee De L'aire and the RAF Museum, Hendon, we obtained reliable measurements enough to obtain scale of the aircraft and began the work.  The project required 10,000+ hours over seven years to complete. It is now in a museum in New Zealand.

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Colorado Plains Regional Airport AKO

Hayes Aviation is located in the

terminal on the east end of the ramp

1201 North Cedar, Akron, CO   80720


Open 24/7
Attended 6 AM to 7:30PM

We have an onsite manager available 24 hours a day to help with any needs.
Call us toll free 


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